Videmail is a subscription-based platform
Primary Subscription Plan
Subscribe for just $50/month and send VIDEMAILs for just 2 cents. Your first 30-day subscription is FREE. We have a range of discount packages, which can bring the price down to as little as $0.01 per email.
Power User Subscription Plan
For subscribers who send a lot of VIDEMAILs, we have 4 Power User Subscription Plans, which offer savings of up to 95% over our Primary Subscription Plan. Power users pay a flat monthly subscription; there is no additional charge for VIDEMAILs. There are 4 plans...
The Bronze Power User Subscription Plan
US$250 for up to VIDEMAILs 50,000/month.
The Silver Power User Subscription Plan
US$500 for up to VIDEMAILs 200,000/month.
The Gold Power User Subscription Plan
US$750 for up to VIDEMAILs 500,000/month.
The Platinum Power User Subscription Plan
US$1000 for up to VIDEMAILs 1,000,000/month.
Once you have subscribed, you can...
Upload videos and email contact lists
Upload your .mp4 videos and .txt contact lists or enter them directly onto the VIDEMAIL platform.
Link your videos to your contact lists
Once they’re uploaded, link your video to your email contact list.
Send videos in multiple aspect ratios
You can send videos in all popular aspect ratios as Full HD 1080pxs and HD 720pxs.
Add a call to action (CTA) button
Add a customisable CTA button to your VIDEMAILs so recipients click through to a webpage of your choice.
Upload 1.5GB of video and as many contact lists as you like
Upload a single 1.5GB video or dozens of shorter ones and unlimited email contact lists.
Add text to VIDEMAILs
You can include sales copy and send an optional message to individual contacts.
Address each VIDEMAIL individually
Each VIDEMAIL is addressed personally to each recipient with a customisable salutation and sign off.
Include a logo
You can include your logo in your VIDEMAILs.
No long-term contract
You can unsubscribe at any time. WARNING: You won’t want to.
All VIDEMAILs sent from the VIDEMAIL Platform comply fully with international Data Protection Legislation (DPL).